Simple and useful HTML layout
There is a clickable image with beautiful hover effect and active title link for each post item. Left side is a sticky menu bar. Right side is a blog content that will scroll up and down.
There is a clickable image with beautiful hover effect and active title link for each post item. Left side is a sticky menu bar. Right side is a blog content that will scroll up and down.
Xtra Blog is a multi-purpose HTML CSS template from TemplateMo website. Blog list, single post, about, contact pages are included. Left sidebar fixed width and content area is a fluid full-width.
You are allowed to convert this template as any kind of CMS theme or template for your custom website builder. You can also use this for your clients. Thank you for choosing us.
You are not allowed to re-distribute this template as a downloadable ZIP file on any template collection website. This is strongly prohibited as we worked hard for this template. Please contact TemplateMo for more information.
If you wish to kindly support us, please contact us or contribute a small PayPal amount to info [at] templatemo.com that is helpful for us.
Title #099 New #0CC
Text #999 Line #CCC Next #0CC Prev #F0F0F0
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